Display Local Artwork

Display Local Artwork

  • As part of the criteria, you will be required to:

    1. Agree that you do not have a gallery or other artwork display within 5 miles of the café.

    2. A business sized (3.5 x 2) information card will be provided for each piece to display: artist name, artist phone and cost of piece, piece name (optional).

    3. Agree to provide your art on the date given by the café manager to be hung in the place designated. B. Leigh’s Coffee will be responsible for hanging any artwork for the artist.

    4. Agree that all work is original, aesthetically pleasing, well-executed, thematic or in a series, of substantial size, non-confrontational or controversial, relevant, and worthwhile.*

    5. Agree that your work is framed or on canvas with a wire on the back ready for hanging.

    6. Agree to manage all of the sales of your artwork. B. Leigh’s Coffee will not be responsible for accepting payments on the artist’s behalf. A hosting fee of 15% of the cost of the artwork will be charged at the sale of the piece(s). Artists can replace work that has been bought during the 90 day period. Artwork is subject to the same approval process as previously hung artwork.

    7. Agree to pick up the pieces of art work upon notice, 90 days after the contract agreement or earlier. Should the artist fail to pick up their art work from the café after 5 days, B. Leigh’s Coffee reserves the right to remove the artwork to donate or store the pieces for future use.

    8. Agree to not hold B. Leigh’s Coffee responsible for any damage or theft of the artwork.

    9. Agree to allow B. Leigh’s Coffee to photograph and/or film the artwork for media use.

    10. In order to enter into an Artist Agreement with B. Leigh’s Coffee, artists must be 18 years of age or older.

    *B. Leigh’s Coffee reserves the right to decline artwork submissions for any reason.